
A powerful testimonial is one that tells the story of my client’s transformation.

Their story means I can keep doing what I love.

This is why I do what I do.

There is nothing like a happy client.

Thank You To All Of You!

- Rania Shamas



An angel, a mentor, a role model, a friend, a mother and a real inspiration. Rania gives unconditionally and lovingly during your journey with her. I truly appreciated that she was goal oriented rather than session oriented. She empowered me and gave me the tools to help me achieve what I want and sustain it. So grateful for the journey with her. So grateful for the change she made in my life on all dimensions. I had the intention to improve my professional life only but so much has unfolded along the way and Rania was so flexible and ended up helping me improve on all dimensions!! Each session had aha moment(s). May she bless, inspire and guide as many beautiful souls as possible to live happy purposeful lives - a caterpillar becoming a butterfly 🦋
— Mariam Amin

I met Rania through zoom discovery session, and oh my god, it was like a wake up call for me. I am an entrepreneur and have my own business - very successful but still, I was not happy and wanted to reach to more success. Rania could bring me back to myself and guide me through what matters for me in work and life.
Perfectionist is the lowest standard in life!, when she told me that I was hit deeply. My employees and my family benefited from my Career coaching with Rania as much as I benefited. The ripple effect was beyond expectation (even though Rania’s famous sentence *Expectations = Disappointment* ) To cut the story short, if you want to grow your business and grow as a person, my answer to you - contact Coach Rania and your life will never be the same .
— Krestian Chalhoub, CEO & Owner - Kokina Beauty, Lebanon

Rania pulled me from the depression I had and made me see how wonderful life is, was stuck in demanding relationship and attaching myself to series of limiting beliefs about myself for years. From the first session, I felt empowered and loved. Through our relationship coaching I discovered who truly I am and what my life is all about. my life transformed through our journey together from depression to fulfillment. Her passion to help others and determination to enrich people lives made this program the steppingstone to a beautiful life I have now. I will be always grateful.
— Rabieh Fadel, Fashion Designer, Lebanon

Rania guided me on a journey to discover myself, believe in the abundance of life and unlock my life purpose… Even after the end of our sessions the advice, routine and tools that Rania provided are still with me in my everyday and I am forever grateful for the magic that this journey brought back to my life
— Lise Abi Jaoude, Senior Consultant - Bain & Co, UAE

I met Rania at a time in my life when I felt like I needed to be an adult: supportive, strong, loving, responsible however felt like I am trapped in the little girl who never grew up and needed someone to hold her hand and give her all confirmations one could want in life. I was in this struggle that often put me in anxious high alert mode and never in peace. I then met Rania.  Rania was my voice that I lost during this whole ‘growing up’ process of life. She was that light that came within me – but I never saw it. Somehow I always dimmed it, and she showed me where the ‘on’ button was. And so my journey with her began and slowly but surely I found the ‘on’ button of that light I thought I had lost. There are so many voices that lead one in life – with Rania I learned it was what we call ‘the captain’. For me, I have many and she is definitely one of them, however most importantly the loudest one today is my own. This is the impact that Rania has on you. She guides you to realizing your purpose, and once that is done – you own your light.  My journey with Rania has brought me peace, light and has made me live ‘on purpose’. She has the ability to make you see the greatness that is in you- the greatness that you thought didn’t exist! Not only does she make you see it, she makes you believe it ! Today I live with much more peace in my heart because Rania has awakened that in me. I will forever be grateful to the work she has done with me, to the sessions that went on longer than any coach would give because her herself is living on purpose! How can you achieve anything but greatness with a coach like that! Rania plants your roots deep within you, strengthening them with you values making you grow with more strength, more resilience, able to face any storm that life brings your way. She made me open to receiving and more importantly made me realize that I am worthy of receiving! Her impact on my life is eternal as I will share that impact with my children and my loved ones, with living my own purpose. To Rania, my light when I lost mine!
— Nada Al Hashimi, Senior Consultant - Bain & Co, UAE

Life blowing exercise. I am a fan of Rania coaching style and advise everyone who wants to be free of all past painful experiences and moving towards life fulfilment in buiness , realtionships , and self growth to go through her program. I became a regular client and booked her maintenance sessions for a monthly reinforcement to everything I learned.
— Businessman, Group of Companies, Turkey

Rania’s positive energy and sound life advice focused the mind to remove obstacles that limit one’s progression of making the most of the time we are granted on this earth - whether that be professionally or personally. I found the sessions to be intriguing and challenging the thought process to allow a natural evolution of ascending to the ups and downs that the universe throws at you. Every aspect of what we encounter in life is a lesson that we either choose to ignore and remain stationary or accept and progress further.
— Jagmeet Singh Kang, Head of IT security systems - Al Tayer Group, UAE

God bless Rania, she is an excelled life coach who is fully committed to go above and beyond to help you navigate your next challenge. I took a package with Rania in fall 2020 with the aim to understand my life purpose and next career move. Our sessions not only have me the clarity I was looking for but empowered me a lot by transmitting many limiting beliefs and gaining clarity on my subconscious and personality. Months later, she is still following-up with me, supporting and empowering me to achieve the goals we had defined together in our sessions. She is a beautiful angel committed to help souls blossom into their real potential. Thank you again and again and again Rania.
— Suzanne Hejjaoui, France

When I started my journey with Rania, my expectation was to solve and grow business challenges I had. I saw the work with her as a perfect fit : me being a leader of our family business and her having a strong experience in family offices. When I started, I had in mind specific areas to address. My expectations were so narrow! She took me beyond whatever I expected. Her approach is wholistic and the range of her skills’ set is large and unique (from parenting to setting a vision a company!). During our journey together, we built the compass for my life and my work AND we built the skills I need to navigate according to my compass. I can’t thank her enough for this lifetime gift.
— Fatima Ezzahra Bouhdoud, Enterpreneur, Morroco

Coach Rania became my guide through the tough time I had at work and life. For almost two years of my life, I had her always there for me regardless of the topic, she was always present. She went beyond the coaching program and guided me professionally and personally. My life changed and my career grew globally not on the hard skills as this is my strength but more on the soft skills I developed through this coaching program. I became an inspirational supportive leader that grew his team and was awarded many time on team achievement globally. With my personal life and her knowledge on Parentology and positive psychology, I could move from pain towards pleasing present and find myself and discover what gratitude and faith means to me. God Bless you
— Houssa Al Kadi, Head of Project & Design for Group of Companies, UAE

Coach Rania is not a traditional Coach, she challenge you to grow and succeed. you need to be ready for a major shift in your thinking and approach towards business and life. Massive action is what I always remember from our work together . She always say knowledge without action is a loss opportunity. do what you love so you love what you do . with her leadership program I could define my purpose and the leadership style that I need to be for business growth, and more importantly is being better version of myself.
— Layal, Marketing Consultant and University Professor, USA

“I was initially skeptical about life coaching. Rania really pushed me to explore areas of my life in a very structured way. I was very critical, but she was patient with me and always had the facts to back it up. She helped identify issues that I wasn’t aware of, but were contributing to my stress. It was interesting because people around me noticed a difference in my attitude and happiness before I realized it myself. I enjoyed and benefited from the experience.”
— Anonymous, Consultant - McKinsey & Company, UAE


Coach Rania approach was on building an effective business team , and discover the stegths of each of us to collectively colobrate for one goal and one vision . in her team program we could define our own identity and become better leaders while pressure and stress of external uncertainty is there . This workshop was not only benificial for work but more on personal growth level and knowing who we are.
We learned to sharpen our leadership skills, inspire others to sharpen their management and leadership skills, too. We don’t need to be on the spotlight but more supporting to our team to become the champions. At the end of the workshop, we came with a Mantra that everyone felt and lived it (I unlock people potential and guide them to victory).
Coach Rania helped us to understand the critical factors impacting our results, and align our psychology to our business strategy - how to grow and take solid actions towards desired goals and vision. In this workshop, we mapped the journey with consistent evolving, and add value with tangible outcomes. After this workshop, we had a defined map with milestones and actions towards organization vision and goals.